Friday, December 16, 2016

Canned Food Drive & Ugly Sweater Day!

Mrs. Stogdill, Mr. Raasch and Mrs. Enos all jumped for joy on ugly sweater day!

 Some of our 8A students are posing with their donations.  The students brought in 1,071 cans for the Salvation Army!

 Andrew and Chris are sporting their ugly sweaters!

 Kenzie and Silvia are bringing their holiday chair to morning Enrichment!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Patriot's Pen District Finalist!

Congratulations to Hayley K. on being chosen as one of our Top 4 Patriot's Pen local finalists moving onto the district level!  Good luck, Hayley!  Her fantastic submission is posted below:

The America I Believe In

All around me, I see so many opportunities and freedoms that were fought for throughout history. These freedoms have been protected for many years in America. However, you don’t see these freedoms and opportunities everywhere. In some countries, there are humans that are widely considered inferior to others because of their sex, gender, race, or beliefs. In some countries, education isn’t available to everyone. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunities and freedoms that surround me. In the America I believe in, equality is widely accepted, and education is important and available to everyone.
I believe equality is a very important part of what makes America amazing. As once said by Albert Einstein, “Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.” I believe no one is superior nor inferior to anyone else. We are all humans, and we are all flawed. I am grateful for the equality in America that allows us to choose our own paths in life, no matter who we are. Although equality is not, and will never be perfect and accepted by everyone, it has drastically improved. I am thankful that in America, everyone is considered equal.
Another amazing thing that I am grateful for in America is the widely available education. Being able to go to school for free is often taken for granted. In some countries around the world, free education is not available. Allan Bloom once said “Education is the movement from dark to light.” I believe this quote to hold a lot of truth. Education opens up many opportunities in life, and I am grateful that it is available for all children in America.
There are so many freedoms that I am grateful for in America. The democracy, the feeling of safety, the innovativeness, and many other aspects of America make this country astounding. Equality and education are two major parts of America to me. “I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.” was once said by Abraham Lincoln, and I find it to be quite meaningful. I truly hope for America to always move forward, continue to improve, and continue to prosper. This is the America I believe in.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Red Ribbon Week!

Mrs. Enos' Advisement worked hard on their Y.O.L.O. door for Red Ribbon Week!

The Outsiders: Dissecting a Character

Students chose a round/dynamic character to "dissect" in preparation for an upcoming analytical essay.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Outsiders: Greasers vs. Socs

While discussing the theme of social divisions in a school/community found in The Outsiders, the students were divided into two groups: "Greasers" vs. "Socs" for a "rumble" (friendly competition).  The Socs were given a slight advantage in both challenges, but the experience fed into a nice literary discussion about many of the barriers and Character vs. Society and Character vs. Character conflicts that take place in the novel.  We finished class with interpreting the Robert Frost poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" that is referenced in the novel as well.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


After reading "The Medicine Bag" and "Who Are You Today, Maria?", students analyzed the concept of symbolism both in the two short stories and made text-to-self connections identifying what symbols represented themselves.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Analyzing Parts of a Plot

After reading the short story "The Elevator" by William Sleator, students worked in small groups to identify all the major parts of the plot and make a life-size diagram of their ideas.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

English 8A Syllabus (English & Spanish Versions Below)

English 8 Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Enos
English Classroom Website:
School E-mail:
Room:  SC203                                              

Welcome to English 8!  This course offers you the opportunity to grow as a writer, reader and learner through individual, small group and whole class experiences .  Whether you feel reading great literature, improving in your writing skills, or becoming a deeper-thinker is important to you or not, hopefully by the end of the year you will see how applicable the issues we cover in class are connected to the topics that you will be faced with beyond this classroom experience.  Remember, we aren’t all starting at the same place—our strengths and weaknesses are as varied as our personalities.  Each of us can improve this year if we work together to build a strong classroom community.

Materials: A folder or binder to help you store and organize the following:, in-class activities, homework and background notes, a folder to store your writing assignments and writing utensils. I will provide a writer’s notebook for you to use throughout the year at no cost.
         *Your school email account (Know your log-in and password)!

           Writing Assignments: This will entail journaling, written reflections, formulating
discussion questions, brainstorming, outlining, creative and essay writing.  A
            variety of genres (descriptive, narrative, research-based, persuasive, drama and
         poetry) will be covered with a strong emphasis on descriptive writing to prepare
         you for next year’s Statewide 8th Grade Writing Assessment.

           Reading: We will examine a variety of authors and a variety of literary genres:
novels, fictional short stories (including realistic-fiction, myths, legends, folktales), poetry, nonfiction, and drama.
Novel schedule:
        -1st quarter = 2 Choice Reading Books & multimedia project
        -2nd quarter = Class Novel: The Outsiders (realistic-fiction)
        -3rd quarter =2 Choice Reading Books & Presentation
        -4th quarter = Small Group Novel: Literature Circles (titles will vary)
*Accommodations may be made for students with an IEP/ELL classification.

Quizzes: Vocabulary, reading, and L to J quizzes/checks-for-understanding  will be given periodically with the purpose of checking your comprehension and understanding of the information being learned in class.  

Texts/Exams: Tests will be given at the completion of each novel or unit. There
         will always be an in-class review and study guide given prior to the test.

Homework Policy
-          developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (2005) found on http://

  • Homework provides time outside of the classroom for students to practice and deepen their understanding of the content being presented in class.
    • Homework is meant to be set at an appropriate level based on a student’s prior knowledge or level of exposure to specific content.
  • Regardless of student ability or prior coursework, the amount of time students actively and attentively devote to homework increases their achievement.(Keith & Cool, 1992)
  • Feedback will be given along with a grade for all turned in homework assignments.  I make an effort for assigned homework to not be “busywork” but to possess quality/purpose in your child’s learning experience.
  • Parent Involvement:
    • Parents should set regular time frames, a place to focus, and clear expectations for where and when their children will work on homework.
    • Encourage the following skills with your child throughout the school year: responsibility, confidence, persistence, goal-setting, and planning.
      • Facilitate homework completion, not teach content
    • Encouraging healthy study habits supports learning.  Not only will your child see and feel the reward for his/her efforts, but they will grow in their ability to effectively handle areas of difficulty (Bempechat 2004).

Grading: assignment grades are based on total points—every assignment counts!
·         A = 100% - 93%
·         B = 92% - 86%
·         C = 85% -78%
·         D = 77% -70%
·         F = 69% - Below
·         You will receive two days for every one day missed of class to make up any homework that was given/assigned the day of your absence (as stated in the handbook).

Late Homework: If your homework is not completed at the time it is due, you may turn it in post the due date, but you need to see Mrs. Enos about an extension and you and the teacher will conference about what the “game plan” is going to be (coming in for extra help, making a home contact, working lunch, a modified assignment, etc.)   All homework must be FULLY completed before it can be turned in.

Extra Credit:  We always focus on doing the required/standards-based work first.  If everything has been turned in and you’d like an extension project or an enrichment assignment to improve your grade, we can meet to discuss options.  There cannot be any missing homework in the grade book for these extra learning opportunities.

·         Tardiness: If you arrive late to class, you must have a legitimate pass from a FMS staff member justifying your late arrival.  

·         Etiquette: It is important that all students treat one another with kindness and respect.  The Student Handbook clearly defines the four levels of misconduct and corresponding disciplinary actions.  The rules of the Student Handbook will be enforced at all times in this classroom.  Lunch detentions will be administered and home contacts will be made if there is continued misbehaving after the first time a minor offense was addressed.  Please respect the learning environment to avoid any such consequence. If the misbehaviors continue both the counseling department and parental units will be contacted in order to best address the issue.

Leaving the Room: Restroom and water breaks should be taken care of during the passing period or after initial instruction.  I will make exceptions if you have special needs or are not feeling well, but please let me know at the start of class or ask for a pass (all passes will be given in your student planner/agenda).  

Planner: Please bring this to class every day!


Please date and print your name and have your parent/guardian date and sign below indicating you have read and understand classroom rules and procedures.  If there are any questions/concerns please feel free to contact me.

_____________________________________ _________________
Student’s Printed First and Last Name Date

______________________________________ _________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

INGLES 8 Syllabus

Maestra: Sra. Enos
Sitio Web del Equipo: Sitio Web del Salon:
Correo Electrónico de la Escuela:
Salon: SC203                                               

Bienvenidos a Ingles 8!  
Este curso le ofrece la oportunidad de crecer como escritor , lector y alumno a través  de pequeños grupos individualizados , y las experiencias de toda la clase . Ya sea que se sienta,  leer gran literatura , mejorar en sus habilidades de escritura , o convertirse en un pensador profundo es importante para usted o no , esperaremos para el final del año para que vea cómo los temas que cubrimos en clase aplicables están conectados a los temas que se le enfrenta con más allá de esta experiencia en el aula . Recuerde , no todos estamos empezando en el mismo  lugar , nuestros mismos puntos fuertes y débiles son tan variados como nuestras personalidades . Cada uno de nosotros puede mejorar este año si trabajamos juntos para construir una comunidad fuerte en el salon.

Una carpeta o un encuadernador  para ayudar a almacenar y organizar los siguientes :, actividades , tareas y notas de fondo, una carpeta para almacenar sus tareas de escritura y utensilios de escritura .
Voy a ofrecer el cuaderno de un escritor para su uso durante todo el año sin costo alguno.
         * Su cuenta de correo electrónico de la escuela ( Conozca a su inicio de sesión y contraseña) !

Agenda:    Tareas por escrito : Esto implicará en diario , reflexiones escritas , formulando preguntas de discusión , de intercambio de ideas , esquemas, escritura creativa y el ensayo . Una variedad de géneros ( descriptiva, narrativa , basada en la investigación , persuasivo , drama y poesía) será cubierto con un fuerte énfasis en la escritura descriptiva para preparar todo para la Evaluación Estatal  de Escritura del próximo año de el octavo grado.

           Lectura : Vamos a examinar una variedad de autores y una variedad de géneros literarios :novelas, cuentos de ficción (incluyendo realista - ficción, mitos , leyendas , cuentos populares ) , la poesía , no ficción y drama.

Horario de la Novela:

trimestre -1º = 2 Selección de lectura Libros y proyecto multimedia
       -2º Trimestre = Clase Novel : The Outsiders ( realista - ficción)
       -3º trimestre = 2 Selección de lectura Libros y Presentación
       -4º Trimestre = Pequeño Grupo Novel : Círculos Literatura ( títulos variarán )
* Adaptaciones pueden ser hechas para los estudiantes con una clasificación IEP / ELL .

Pruebas : vocabulario, lectura , cuestionarios de la L a la J / chequeos  finales de comprensión se les dará periódicamente con el fin de comprobar su comprensión y entendimiento de la información que se está aprendiendo en clase

Textos / Exámenes: Los exámenes se dan al final de cada novela o unidad .
siempre se hará un repaso en clase y una guía de estudio se administra antes de la prueba .

Política de Tarea y Filosofía :
-          developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (2005) found on http://

  • La tarea proporciona tiempo fuera del salón de clases para que los estudiantes puedan practicar y profundizar su comprensión del contenido que se presenta en la clase.
    • La tarea está destinado a ser fijado a un nivel apropiado basado en el conocimiento o el nivel de exposición a contenido específico antes de un estudiante.
  • Independientemente de la capacidad del estudiante o de cursos anteriores , la cantidad de tiempo que los estudiantes dedican activamente y con atención a la tarea aumenta su logro ( Keith & amp ; Fresco, 1992) .
  • Realimentación será dada junto con un grado para todas las tareas que sean entregadas. Hago un esfuerzo para hacer la tarea asignada a no ser " trabajo no productivo ", pero que poseen la calidad / propósito en la experiencia de aprendizaje de su hijo .

  • Involucramiento de los Padres:
    • Los padres deben establecer marcos regulares de tiempo, un lugar de centrarse y expectativas claras para donde y cuando sus hijos van a trabajar en la tarea.
    • Alentar a las siguientes habilidades con su hijo durante el año escolar : la responsabilidad , la confianza , la persistencia, la fijación de objetivos y planificación.
      • Facilitar la terminación de la tarea , no enseñar contenidos

  • Fomentar hábitos sanos del estudio apoya el aprendizaje . No sólo su hijo verá y sentirá la recompensa por sus  esfuerzos , pero van a crecer en su capacidad de manejar con eficacia las áreas de dificultad ( Bempechat 2004) .

Calificaciones: los grados de asignación se basan en el total de puntos - de asignación cada  tarea cuenta!
·         A = 100% - 93%
·         B = 92% - 86%
·         C = 85% -78%
·         D = 77% -70%
·         F = 69% - Below

· Usted recibirá dos días por cada día de ausencia de clase para hacer cualquier tarea que se le dio / asignó el día de su ausencia (como se indica en el manual )

La tarea tarde: Si la tarea no se ha completado en el momento en que se debe , es posible entregarlo después de la fecha de vencimiento, pero hay que ver a la señora Enos sobre una extensión y usted y el maestro tendrán una conferencia sobre lo que el " plan de juego " va a ser (que viene en busca de ayuda extra, haciendo  un contacto a casa,trabajar durante el  almuerzo, una asignación modificada , etc) Toda la tarea debe ser completada antes de que pueda ser entregado .

Crédito extra : Siempre nos centramos en hacer el trabajo requerido / basada en estándares en primer lugar. Si todo se ha entregado y le gustaría un proyecto de extensión o una asignación de enriquecimiento para mejorar su calificación , podemos satisfacer para discutir las opciones . No puede haber ninguna tarea que falta en el libro de calificaciones para estas oportunidades de aprendizaje adicionales .

Procedimientos / Reglas:
· La tardanza : Si llega tarde a la clase , debe tener un pase legítimo de un miembro del personal FMS  para justificar su llegada tarde.

· Etiqueta : Es importante que todos los estudiantes se traten unos a otros con amabilidad y respeto . El Manual del Estudiante define claramente los cuatro niveles de mala conducta y las medidas disciplinarias correspondientes . Las reglas del Manual del Estudiante se harán cumplir en todo momento en esta aula .
Detenciones de almuerzo serán administrados y se harán los contactos casa si hay mal comportamiento continúa después de la primera vez que se dirigió a un delito menor . Por favor, respeten el ambiente de aprendizaje para evitar cualquier consecuencia . Si los malos comportamientos siguen serán contactados tanto el departamento de orientación de los padres y las unidades con el fin de abordar mejor el tema .

Al salir de la habitación: descansos de baño y agua deben ser atendidos durante el periodo de cruce o después de la instrucción inicial. Voy a hacer excepciones si tiene necesidades especiales o no se siente bien , pero por favor, que me haga saber al comienzo de la clase o pedir un pase ( todos los pases serán entregados en su planificador de estudios) .

Planificador : Por favor llevar esto a clase todos los días !

Porfavor ponga su nombre y la fecha , y que sus padres o guardián firmen y pongan la fecha abajo  indicando que an leído y entienden las reglas y procedimientos. Si ahi alguna pregunta/preocupaciones porfavor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.

_____________________________________ _________________
Firma primer nombre y apellido del estudiante Fecha

______________________________________ _________________
Firma de padre/guardian/tutor Fecha